Please observe the 6 knot (2 x walking speed) speed limit areas.
Please keep to the designated zones marked on the map.
Please avoid using powercraft more than 3 hours before or after high tide.
Be considerate when overtaking - allow a minimum of 10 metres clearance.
Look out for bathers near beaches.
No motorised craft in bathing areas.
Powered craft must give way to sailing craft.
Please avoid disturbing the local wildlife.
Take care not to disrupt angler’s lines.
Jet skis towing boards or skis can use the designated water ski areas.
Do not block slipway access.
Stay on the right hand side of the channels.
Always pass with oncoming vessels to your left.
Be courteous to other users.
Take care not to disturb other craft with your wash.
Beware of strong tides and always carry correct safety equipment.